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Do you want to make sure you know everything about Giethoorn and have the travel information to Giethoorn before your trip? You can always visit the official website of Giethoorn.

Make sure to check out the directions and our Ultimate Travel Guide. If you have any questions? Contact us via the contactpages.

Travel by train or bus

  • Take the train to Zwolle Central Station

  • At Zwolle Central Station, take the train to Steenwijk Central Station

  • From Steenwijk Central Station, take the bus to Giethoorn. The busnumbers are #70 or #270. Get off the bus at the bus stop ''Hollands Venetië'' or ask the driver.

Travel by car

Before you commit to driving, remember that the very center of Giethoorn isn’t accessible by car. As said before. You can easily reach the best bits of the village on foot but the very best hidden treasures can only be found with a boat. From Amsterdam, the drive is approximately 1.5-2 hours.

Parking Giethoorn

At the hotel there are free parking spots available. For other parking spots in Giethoorn, please visit the official website of Giethoorn.


The address of Hotel Giethoorn is:
Hotel Giethoorn
Petersteeg 2
8355 CB Giethoorn

The address of Hotel de Pergola is:
Ds. T.O. Hylkemaweg 7
8355 CD Giethoorn